A month and a half ago I sent you an email with the subject line “Cats”.
You guys loved that email. It had my highest open rate ever.
So last week I sent you an email with the subject line “More Cats”. You guys loved that email too!
One of my former copy coaches, Ning Li, says that part of every marketer’s job is to find their “customer crack”.
Once you figure out something your audience likes — their “crack” — just give it to them over and over again.
I guess I’ve found your crack. You love cats!
Don’t worry — I’m not gonna turn this list into a cat email list. It’s not just gonna be all cats all the time. I am gonna keep giving you marketing tips.
(Although the next time I have a cat story I WILL write an email about it.)
Here’s your marketing tip for today. What are your top performing pieces of content?
Look at your Instagram. What got the most likes?
Look at your YouTube. What got the most views?
Look at your blog posts. What got the most clicks?
Look at your emails. What got the most opens?
Make MORE content like that, until it stops working.
If you don’t have any top-performing content yet, how can you figure out what your audience will like?
There are a few ways.
You can do them in 10 minutes. They’re easy.
That’s one of the things I’m writing about in my new mini-book. Next week you’ll be able to get a copy for $7.
You’ll also learn a bunch more of my email marketing tactics and strategies that have made my clients 7 figures.
So stay tuned.